Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Why Most Diet Plans Actually "work"

By Rey Vetangelo

Have you noticed how many diet plans there are out there? You know the classics, like Weight Watchers and Atkins.The media is full of advertisements proclaiming the newest breakthrough diet plan that will change your life. The number of plans increases every day, and they're all saying the same thing, "this really works."So if they all really work, why is it that so many people fail at them so often? They try the plan out for a while but quickly find that it doesn't "work" for them and switch to lap bands from Mexico to have the same effect.

Weight loss can be an extremely difficult task for many individuals, and some have even considered looking into weight loss surgery in Mexico because they feel they simply cannot lose the weight they need to be healthy. But before venturing south to explore the option of a weight loss surgery performed in Mexico, individuals may wish to give water aerobics and water exercise a try.

While water exercise can be and are used by persons of all different weights and levels of physical fitness, because even professional athletes use water aerobics extensively to stay in good shape, making appropriate use of exercise in the pool can be especially beneficial for those who are overweight or those who have physical limitations that prevent them from receiving exercise in another form. This is because water based aerobics and even water based weight training are far less impactful than traditional methods of working out.

Eating has a way of becoming a bit of a pastime for so many people. They tie what they what they feel when they're eating into an idea that it's the only way for them to enjoy life. Whenever they are down in the dumps, they will continue to go back to their favorite food to regain that feeling.

In this situation, eating becomes somewhat of an addiction that they need to break. It's only when they have become too engrossed in their addiction that they realize it's time for a change.

There's nothing that's worse for someone's health than an unusual increase in stress. We all lead busy lives with intense schedules that don't lend themselves to easy living. Sometimes get stuck in an endless loop where our stress level increases, not the other way around. We fail to sit back and relax in life because we don't have time for such a thing.

Second, the diet plans either (1) include an exercise plan, or (2) reduce your diet to a point that your everyday movements will burn calories. Either way, your body burns its energy stores to work.

In other words, not only will water walking, or any other form of water aerobics, be less stressful on one's body, but it will also be able to produce results faster as a person who performs their aerobics in the water will have the additional benefit of added resistance, which helps build muscle and trim fat.

There are many, many, ways in which a person who is trying to lose weight can perform a meaningful exercise in water. Water walking is one of the most basic forms of aquatic exercise, but there are multiple exercise routines and work outs that a person can perform in a pool to help them lose weight and maintain a healthy body.

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