Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hypnotic Virtual Gastric Band Therapy

The hypnotic virtual gastric band weight loss system is a remarkable weight loss program that was initiated by Sheila Granger. The system has been tested and proven to bring about weight loss without dieting.
The system successfully harnesses the power of every individual and helps the individuals to completely change their lives. The beauty of the system is that almost everyone can join.
How the virtual gastric band hypnosis works
The virtual gastric band is basically a non-surgical technique that uses the hypnosis power to ensure that you are satisfied with just small portions of food. When you go to hospital for the procedure, you are handled by a skilled surgeon who tells you that your stomach size is smaller and you need to start eating small portions of food.
During the procedure, you will also be told that the stomach band will make your stomach smaller and it will be adjusting itself automatically so that you can lose weight safely and gradually. You will also be given hypnotic suggestions to hate unhealthy foods. In addition to this, you will also be told how to move your body in a healthy way to ensure that you are physically fit.
The procedure basically aims at convincing you that you are full thus you lose the desire to eat more; therefore, you eat just minimal amounts of food.
According to Wendy Hoyle, a hypnotherapist based in Redhill (specializing in hypnotherapy of weight loss without dieting), a virtual gastric band is synonymous to flicking a switch in the brain. This is because the band changes a person's attitude towards food and helps one to control cravings.
Difference between virtual gastric band and actual gastric band
Many people confuse the virtual band with the lap band (actual gastric band). The truth is that the two are completely different. This is because the virtual band deals with a person's psychology and their relationship with food, while the actual band does not deal with a person's mind-the band is just inserted in your stomach to reduce the amount of food you eat.
The other difference is that when the lap band is inserted in your body, you have to eat a pureed diet for a number of weeks before you start eating normal diet. If you overeat, you can burst the band thus forcing you to go back to the surgery room.
With the virtual band, you don't have to worry about bursting the band as a result of overeating. This is because once you learn that you are overeating, all need to do is to go for hypnotherapy where you will have the band tightened via hypnosis.
Advantages of virtual gastric band
• It's easy: to undergo the procedure all you need to do is to visit a surgeon who will constantly remind your mind that the stomach is small and you need to change your eating habits.
• It's affordable: since there are no surgical tools required, the technique is affordable compared to bariatric surgery and other surgeries.
• There are no side effects involved: this is because the procedure is non-invasive.
The virtual gastric band system is time tested and proven to be effective in bringing about weight loss. If you are interested in losing weight without any side effects, this is a procedure you should consider undertaking.
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