Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Using Healthy Spices For Wellness

By Camille Nicholson

The use of healthy spices from kitchen cabinets is favored over the stronger and more problematic items from the medicine cabinet for many people. Spices taste good and add exciting flavors to your culinary creations. These ingredients also are believed to have health benefits such as reducing inflammation, fighting pain, limiting the growth of cancer cells and improving the entire cardiovascular system. These are some of the spices that can be used to improve overall health.

The use of cinnamon boosts the antioxidant fighters in your body. In addition to smelling aromatic, it is known to reduce blood sugar levels in the body, due to strengthen the insulin effectiveness. Antioxidants are believed to fight the growth of cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. One tip to be aware of is that the spice labeled as "cinnamon" may actually be "cassia". Look for the label "Ceylon Cinnamon" if you have questions.

Another Alzheimer's fighter is sage. The aromatic spice blocks the formation of an enzyme known as acetylcholinesterase. When the level of the enzyme is controlled, cognition is improved. Sage is also known for its ability to improve digestion. Including culinary levels of sage in the diet may help with symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes. It does so by behaving in a similar manner as the hormone estrogen.

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric. This substance is another strong antioxidant. It has been used in research studies for its ability to limit the development of amyloid plaque and the growth of cancer cells. Turmeric regulates insulin levels and triglycerides which boosts heart health and protects the entire cardiovascular system. In many ways, the spice acts like a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. It eliminates the side effects associated with the drugs. Turmeric is believed to be effective against multiple sclerosis and similar autoimmune disorders.

Another savory spice is thyme. The active component of this spice is the volatile oil thymol. As a natural antimicrobial substance, it has been found to be effective against staph infections, food poisoning or E.coli. Thyme is believed to improve hair and scalp health and to improve overall digestion.

For decades, the use of ginger to settle nausea has been recognized. Digestive processes are enhanced by this spice and the stomach is less likely to develop gastric ulcers. Ginger has other benefits as well, including reducing pain of muscles, menstrual cramps and migraines. The ingredient is beneficial in fighting chronic inflammatory conditions and osteoarthritis.

For centuries, rosemary has been linked to memory. Students in ancient Greece placed rosemary in their hair while studying for examinations. Carnosic acid is a component of rosemary which fights the damage of free radicals, particularly in the brain. This is a benefit in the fight against strokes and the risk of Alzheimer's. For its effectiveness against the growth of cancer cells, the component of rosemary known as carnosol is encouraged.

Healthy spices are easy to obtain. They can be purchased in supermarkets. Because they taste good and enhance the natural flavor of various foods, you can experiment with them in a variety of ways. Used in culinary creations they have no side effects and are known to be a force in preventing or reducing the symptoms of many diseases and conditions.

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