Sunday, May 19, 2013

San Juan Capistrano Rehab Program Offers Help For Drug And Alcohol Abuse

By Antoinette Quinn

A person's use of drugs or alcohol may slowly but surely take over his or her life. The body and brain can develop a dependence on these foreign substances and individuals begin craving more and more. Eventually, it is possible to sink to a level that all the individual cares about is where he or she will score the next hit. With San Juan Capistrano rehab, individuals can battle their addictions and begin living in sobriety.

Withdrawal symptoms are often the greatest fear of quitting drugs. While some substances lead to severe or life threatening symptoms other drugs cause milder ones. Such effects vary depending on the drug of choice, time it has been used, time since last use and by individual. Today, facilities may provide medication to reduce such symptoms and to help patients to withdraw easier.

Along with causing physical addictions, drugs may cause patients to be psychologically addicted. Many begin using drugs to avoid dealing with other life problems. When they stop using, the problems may still be there to be faced. Until these types of underlying issues have been faced, overcoming the effects of drugs in one's life can be difficult.

Addiction also includes a social side. Many who have used drugs for years may have become infused in the larger drug culture. They may live and do business with other drug users. In this type of culture drug use has become an activity that is socially acceptable.

Patients often find the first 24 hours after entering the facility the most difficult. While they may agree intellectually that they need to stop their drug use, their bodies and minds continue craving more of the drug. These symptoms do subside with time. As the toxins are eliminated, individuals often begin to feel better. They may be ready to begin the work involved in treatment.

Today, one of the most common types of treatment uses cogitative behavioral therapy. In these programs, the individual identifies the factors that lead to his or her drug use and then learns alternate ways to deal with these life stressors. This is the point that the individual may need to decide to cut ties with the drug culture in order to overcome his or her own addictions.

Most patients who use in house treatment will remain in the facility for approximately one month. At the end of this time, the patient begins transition back into the world where life is less protected than it was in the treatment facility. During the transition and the months that follow, the individual should be involved in aftercare. The aftercare may include a 12-step program or it could involve further counseling.

The war with one's drug addictions can include many very tough battles. Some patients may see some progress and then failures, however if they continue they are able to reach the goal. With help in overcoming these addictions life becomes more enjoyable. A San Juan Capistrano rehab center can provide the help one needs to gain his life back from a substance abuse problem.

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