Monday, December 23, 2013

10 Great Winter Dieting Foods for Weight Loss This Christmas

Dieting in the winter can pose problems due to the nature of the climate combined with the seasonal holiday get-together's which mean we often consume more calories than we would on average for the remaining part of the year.
That said, if you live in a cold climate and you do decide to get out there and burn some calories (which you'll burn more of doing the same workout that if it were summer), then if you combine this with some great winter dieting foods, you will ultimately lose weight over the winter months.
1. Liver
This might sound like an odd food to diet on, but especially beef liver contains some wonderful ant-oxidants and is a great source for vitamin A, folic acid and especially iron.
With approximately 200 calories per serving it contains far fewer calories than most cuts of meat but it is quite high in cholesterol however if you stick to a low fat diet there's no reason why it will affect your health in a negative way.
Liver and bacon might not be the healthiest of combinations but as winter dishes go, accompanied with steamed veggies and sweet potatoes high in omega-3's, this will be a perfect fix after a winter workout.
2. Oysters
1 oyster will contain as little as only 7 calories, but its minerals include calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin B complex vitamins, fluoride and iodine.
Most nutritious when eaten raw, rich in amino acids, they are also considered an aphrodisiac as they have been shown to increase the release of sexual hormones.
3. Freeze-cracked bee pollen
After a detox freeze-cracked bee pollen helps stabilize your metabolism thus preventing it from going into shock after you've just made a dramatic change to your usual diet, plus it helps replace trace minerals that are flushed out after a detox cleanse.
Used by athletes and sports people to supplement vital nutrients lost through working out, these can be purchased from most health food stores or online.
4. Maple Syrup
Maple syrup contains more vitamins and minerals than sugar per tablespoon serving and is also used in the Master Cleanse detox to help preserve vital enzymes in lemons from oxidizing, preventing them from breaking down.
5. Tangelo
Half grapefruit half tangerine, while less vitamin C than an orange it's high in vitamin A which is essential for maintaining healthy eyesight and great skin texture.
You get approximately just 30 calories per tangelo and like most fruits they're best consumed on an empty stomach so all nutrients are absorbed plus they will give you boost in energy if eaten shortly before a workout.
6. Mushrooms
Reishi mushrooms are essential at treating inflammatory diseases and increasing liver metabolism, shiitake mushrooms also are a good dietary fiber that are rich in riboflavin, thiamine, folic acid, vitamin B6, potassium, selenium and zinc, they contain no fat and will boost your immune system during the winter months as your metabolism slows down to preserve fat cells in order to keep you insulated and warm.
7. Resveratrol
There's nothing wrong with a glass of red an evening as while there is very little resveratrol present, it still contains some anti-oxidants that will help cleanse the arteries, reducing your risk of cardiovascular diseases and according to the French Paradox is their secret to longevity.
Stick to just one a night though as one glass will contain approximately 90 calories.
8. Green Coffee
The green coffee bean is one of the latest weight loss diets and doesn't necessarily have to be purchased as a weight loss supplement although not quite as effective.
The bean consists of approximately 90% chlorogenic acid - CGA, which is reduced to less than 5% after roasting.
CGA instructs liver metabolism, burns fat cells that are difficult to break down and restricts the amount of trans fats and rich carbs we consume through absorption.
Green coffee sachets while not particularly appetizing are argued an excellent way for shredding weight just like some green tea's and again can be found in health stores and online.
9. Dark Chocolate
For lovers of dark chocolate it can be particularly moorish during the winter season as the cravings kick in and it's harsh to except that we should all decline the odd snack or binge and religiously stick to a robotic diet.
Dark chocolate is perfect for this as it's pretty low in calories and will satisfy your binge while providing you with some healthy anti-oxidants.
10. Lemons
The Lemon Detox Diet is considered one of the best detoxes that if carried out correctly will not just flush the liver, intestines and kidney, but you will inevitably lose weight in the process.
Obviously conducting this style of detox during cold winter months seems like suicide, but provided you supplement your diet with soluble and insoluble fibers, healthy fats, lean meat proteins and non-processed carbs; with additional but moderate exercise - approximately 30 minutes 3 or 4 times a week, you will lose weight over the thanksgiving and Christmas period, while still enjoying some fantastic festive foods with your dear friends and family.
For the latest news on the most popular weight loss products this year to kick-start your New Year's detox diet:
Visit: Best Fat Burners here.
Don't forget that a Lemon Master Cleanse provides the perfect start to a diet to burn that excess fat off first.
Visit: Lemon Master Cleanse Now!
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