Friday, December 27, 2013

Weight Loss Secrets - 5 Things That Will Sabotage Your Weight Loss

By Barb Taylor

Losing weight is not easy. Even those who start a diet program and stick with it sometimes do not obtain the results they had hoped for. There are some things you can do to avoid sabotaging your weight loss, such as:

Overestimating Calories Burned

Calorie expenditure tables are a common method used to calculate the number of calories burned while working out. Problem is that these tables are typically inaccurate.

The majority of these tables are inaccurate by as much as twenty percent.

If you want an accurate picture of the calories you burned off during a workout investing in a high quality heart monitor would be a wise choice.

Leaving Out Exercises That Build & Strengthen Muscles

For maximum calorie burn and weight loss, it is important to add strength training to your exercise routine. This is an important element of weight loss because weight lifting builds muscle, which in turn increases your metabolism and helps you to burn fat long after the workout is complete.

If you are working out, eating healthier and still not losing weight add some strength training to your routine and more than likely you will see the scale gradually start to go down.

Regular Alcohol Consumption

Drinking more than one drink daily can have a negative impact on your weight loss efforts. As soon alcohol enters your system, your body makes this the priority and begins to process it immediately. Because of this any food you have eaten get processed slower and may be stored as fat.

Drinking alcohol also increases your likelihood of snacking, thus adding on additional calories.

Alcohol is full of calories and has not nutritional value. So if you must drink, stick to no more than one cocktail daily.

Skipping Meals

In theory cutting back on meals seems like a logical way to reduce calories. Unfortunately, dong this may actually cause you to gain weight.

When your body goes without food for long periods of time your metabolism begins to slow down.

When you go without eating your hunger intensifies, which can cause you to overeat at your next meal

To avoid this, dont skip a meal instead eat 5 or six mini meals daily. This will provide the energy you need for the day and prevent you from indulging in unhealthy and unnecessary snacking. If your calorie intake goal for the day is 1600 calories plan to have five 320 calorie meals each day.

Setting Unrealistic Weight Loss Goals

Many people looking to lose weight set unrealistic goals. They turn on the tv and see that there favorite celebrity just lost 30 pounds in a month and that becomes the goal they set for themselves.

Healthy weight loss does not happen in an instant. It is a process that requires time effort & commitment. Set your weight loss goal at one to two pounds weekly. This is the range that experts consider healthy.

Studies have shown that people who lose weight at a slow and steady pace have a higher long term success rate.

Although these five weight loss secrets may seem simple, they can have a major impact on your weight loss success.

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