Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Recipes for Homemade Colon Cleansers

Because of the high demand of colon protection, there are lots of colon cleaning products these days that are out in the market. The colon is exposed to a lot of body toxins. These toxins can harm the colon that may later cause cancer tumors. Colon cancer is one of the most threatening types of cancer these days. To prevent this, the digestive system must perform proper elimination of toxins and wastes. There are ways to naturally clean the colon. Some are in product forms. There are also recipes for homemade colon cleaners that we can use in our homes to help protect our colon naturally.
The most effective and safest way to do colon cleansing is with proper diet. Foods that are fresh and nutritious help in the cleansing of the colon. Here are some of the recommended recipes for homemade colon cleansers:
· Regular water enema
- Regular intake of water enema is probably the simplest and most effective way for cleansing the colon. Enema is when water is entered through the rectum, then retaining it for a while which results to immediate elimination of the toxins. This cleans and flushes out fecal matters that are left in the colon.
· Salt water flush
- This is more like the enema. This helps cleanse the entire colon. And with the presence of salt, the colon is left with much liquid to keep it properly circulating. This colon cleanse recipe is mostly done in the morning when the stomach is still empty. The things you need for this method are: pure water and natural salt.
· Vegetable juices
- By drinking fresh vegetable juices, the colon will be safely cleansed. Vegetables are very high in fiber which pushes the wastes out of the body. By mixing different kinds of vegetables and blending them together, on can have a healthy vegetable drink that is best for the colon. Green vegetables are the best for this recipe. Veggies such as celery, broccoli and lettuce are very rich with fiber. With regular intake of this healthy vegetable juice, the colon is sure to be safe and free from colon diseases.
· The master cleanser recipe
- This is a mixture of organic lemon juice, organic maple syrup, cayenne pepper and clean water. This recipe helps clean the kidneys, and also the glands and cells of the body. Also, it helps improving the circulation of the bloodstream. This is one effective drink in the removal of waste from the colon.
· Psyllium and Bentonite clay recipe
- This recipe effectively cleanses the whole digestive system. It is in a form of shake that is a mixture of bentonite, psyllium husks and water, one will have a very delicious and healthy colon cleanser drink. This recipe helps remove toxins from the body and cleanses the colon. It also effects in the promotion of good bacteria balance inside the stomach. Digestion is also expected to improve with the regular intake of this cleansing shake.
· Water fasting
- Water is the most effective agent in cleansing the colon. With plenty amount of water in the digestive system, toxins and wastes will be easily flushed out. By doing one whole day of nothing but water, the colon will be drained completely washing away all unnecessary toxins inside. One can also try juices. It also works just like water.
Those are recipes for homemade colon cleaners. Now, we can perform the cleansing of our colon right from our own homes.
Click here to see Top Rated Colon Cleanse Products and read more about Colon Cleanse
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_English

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