Thursday, December 12, 2013

Weight Loss Ads

Nothing says losing weight better than the media. If you look everywhere, whether you are watching TV, surfing the net, reading the magazine or just walking down the street, the ads for losing weight can be found wherever you turn. Each billboard has tag lines that often say things like "Lose weigh fast without exercising" or "Lose weight to have better sex". Oftentimes, these taglines are quite alarming and yet, some people show little concern.

It's amazing that no matter how bogus these statements are, many of us still buy not only the outrageous products for losing weight, but also the notion that the only way to be loved or to be accepted IS to lose weight. What makes the media so powerful anyway? There is more than one answer to that question. Celebrities can contribute so much to weight loss ads. It's not enough that some people become avid fans, but because of so much idolatry to these celebrity figures, we want to BECOME them.

The fashion industry is also another culprit for embedding such compulsive thoughts to lose weight. With so many skinny girls walking down the runway, most people think that the latest trend of beauty is to be as slim as those who walk on the catwalk. Sometimes, most women are even stuck to the notion that the only way to look good in a dress is to lose the junk in their bellies even if they are caught up in serious issues like eating disorders or body dysmorphic disorders. Are dresses really that sacred that if you are not slim enough, you don't deserve to wear one?

No matter how crazy the media is now, the fact is you don't have to get caught up with every single thing they have to say. If you have to lose weight, do it for the right reasons and do with much love for yourself. Sometimes the reason why some people are caught up in serious health issues like eating disorders is not because they are obese or desperate, but often times, they have very low self-esteem to even consider themselves as people who deserve love and respect.

No matter how some people try to fight the influences of the media, it will take a long time before these bogus ads disappear. That is a fact that will never change. But what can change is you and how you view yourself. Are you losing weight for the right reasons?
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