Thursday, February 28, 2013

Be Aware Of The Number Of Calories In Cherry Based Goods

By Arold Augustin

The cherry is the drupe (or plump stone fruit) of trees from the 'prunus' genus. Sweet cherries are members of the 'prunus avium' subgenus that have been refined from varieties of wild cherries. The 'Padus', and more commonly, 'cerasus' subgenera, are sour cherries normally best for cooking. Cherries are indigenous to the majority of the mild regions north of the equator. These deep burgundy, red or yellow fruits are well-liked choices for those wishing to lose weight, so understanding the levels of calories in cherry products is important.

Each individual freshly-picked sweet fruit weighs approximately one third of an ounce and produces between four and five Kcal. This works out as 63 per 100 grams, and 18 in an ounce (or 28 grams). Cycling, walking rapidly or jogging for 1 minute typically burns off five.

Cherries have been eaten since prehistoric times. Turkey is the world's greatest grower today, producing four hundred and seventeen metric tonnes of fruit in 2009. The USA is the next biggest producer (three hundred and ninety tonnes in the same year). Most of the two to three million pounds of tart cherries grown annually in America come from California, Washington, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon and particularly Michigan (which boasts almost three-quarters of the entire US harvest).

The shade of cherries is generated by a red pigment containing phytonutrients known as 'anthocyanins'. These substances can decrease swelling and soreness. Anthocyanins are types of anti-oxidants which assist in the reduction of some cancers, diabetes and heart disease. America's fresh super fruit also diminishes blood concentrations of cholesterol and alleviates the distress of osteoarthritis and gout.

The fructose (fruit sugar) in cherries makes them sweet, but also means that they have a higher calorific value than vegetables. Compared with other fruits, the 63 cal in 100 grams of cherries is fairly middle-of-the-road. There are 18 in an equivalent portion of tomatoes; 29 in lemons; 30 in watermelons; 69 in grapes; 74 in figs; 160 in avocados, and 282 in 100 grams of deglet noor dates. Maraschino cherries are the preserved, sweetened marasca ones, of Croatian origin. One of these delicacies contains 7 to 8 meaning 165 per 100 grams.

The typical serving of one ounce of most brandies with cherries contains 78 cal. An equal measure of the Three Olives brand of cherry vodka holds between sixty and seventy. There are sixty-nine in the same-sized shot of UV's Morella vodka.

A classic cheesecake's calorific content is rather high at 385 calories to each 4.7 ounce slice. Even lighter forms of this mouth-watering treat might well measure in somewhere in the region of 250. A 112 gram serving of lip-smacking cherry turnover comprises 315 - more than a twenty-five percent of your advised calorific intake per day.

There are nearly five hundred calories in cherry pie sauce from a tin, prepared with nearly five ounces of sugar. This is as much as in ten doughnuts! Freshly picked cherries are a healthier addition to cereals, yoghurt, or pancakes. Add dried cherries to trail mix or granola for nature's candy.

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