Saturday, February 16, 2013

Simple Exercise Routines for Weight Loss

When we want to lose weight, the best way to start is by choosing simple exercise routines. Of course we could attempt more intense, rigorous and complex workouts, but this may lead to us becoming overwhelmed, anxious and stressed, particularly when we are also making other significant changes to our diet and lifestyle.

Here are some of the simplest exercise routines:

Simple Exercise Routine #1 - Walking

One of the simplest workouts is walking. It is not only easy to do, it cost nothing other than a suitably comfortable pair of walking shoes, and it is extremely effective for burning calories and toning our lower body and waist.

To achieve the best calorie burning benefits from walking, we need to walk at a brisk pace for a minimum of one mile, more if possible. We should start out at a slower pace for the first few minutes in order for our muscles to gently warm up properly. We should then gradually increase the pace until we are walking at a pace which we feel comfortable with. Although we need to challenge ourselves, we do not want to do too much and overtax our body, particularly if we are just beginning an exercise routines.

Simple Exercise Routine #2 - Dancing

Dancing is an excellent way to burn calories and shed those unwanted pounds, and it is easy and lots of fun to do. We could enrol in dance classes in our local area, or simply put on our favourite dance music and have a dance session at home. As with walking, we should gradually warm up our body before increasing the pace until we are working our muscles hard but not straining ourselves.

Simple Exercise Routine #3 - Step Aerobics

Step aerobics are relatively easy to perform as it is simply stepping up and down on a small sturdy platform in a series of choreographed movements. Many gymnasiums have step aerobic classes and they are an ideal exercise option for calorie and fat burning. If we do not have the availability of step classes in our area, or prefer the convenience of working out at home, there are numerous excellent step aerobics workout DVD's available. Of course we would need to purchase a step platform, but most of them are inexpensive in comparison to the cost of classes.

When it comes to choosing simple exercise routines, it is simply a matter of personal choice as to which we find the easiest and the most enjoyable. We should base our choices on which exercise routines we enjoy the most, and which we can easily accommodate into our daily lives and we will be much more likely to maintain a regular programme and lose the weight forever.

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