Monday, February 18, 2013

How to Lose Fat Around the Waist - 3 Secret Tips to Lose Inches Off the Belly Fast

One of the most common question I receive is how to lose fat around the waist. And then people are doing crazy things they follow the latest or most popular diet, they do crazy sports and spend a small fortune on fancy dance classes and secret workout DVD's.
Of course you need a plan o lose inches around your waist but there is no magic pill to do this. However there is a solution that if you follow it can be appeared as magic

1) Eliminate white foods First of all to lose real body fat you need to eliminate white foods as much as possible. To make sure we are talking about the same subject I mean the following. Ban everything that is made up of refined flour and/or refined sugars.
Foods such as white bread, white pasta, baguettes and x should be avoided and replace this foods with whole grain foods such as brown rice and oatmeal.

2) Stop drinking soda If you drink soda and think that it is a healthy beverage stop doing that immediately. There is nothing healthy about soda and it actually makes you fatter.
The best beverage to lose fat around the waist is the good old fresh water. Now you still can drink tea or coffee in moderation but do not add sugar to it. However just adding a splash of milk or honey will absolutely not harm you.

3) Jump rope There are hundreds of workouts that you can do that will give you results. However one of the most effective exercises that will help you to lose inches off your waist is jump roping.
If you still see this as a kind of child's game you will be wrong. Jump rope is an extremely effective form of exercise to burn your stomach fat.

Now listen very carefully

It is time that you know the real secret about your waist fat and you don't need diets or going to the gym seven days a week. Women, let me show you how to get a sexy flat tummy. Men, discover how to get a lean ripped body.
And by the way, clicking the links above will give you access to a lot of valuable information that will make you super lean and amazing sexy.
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