Monday, February 25, 2013

The Important Information On Calories In Avocado

By Arold Augustin

The amount of calories in avocado can easily be neglected when they are compared to vitamins and other nutrients contained in this fruit. It contains more fats than fruits such as the banana. It contains monounsaturated fat that is healthy to the body, as it enhances metabolism processes and reduces cholesterol that is a major problem to many people in the world today.

It is difficult to determine the amount of fats in these amazing fruits because they vary in size depending on the place of origin. Some are larger and would therefore contain more, while others are smaller meaning they will have less. Other qualities of avocados such as the taste will also vary depending on the source.

For people who are cautious about their weight, they need to reduce the amount of food they consume in a day and increase their intake of fruits. Specifically, avocados are a good example of the fruits that should be consumed on a regular basis. Some fats in the food you take make it hard for the body to function properly. However, avocado fats are nutritious and healthy.

This fruit is said to have more than 20 important vitamins and nutrients. Some of the vitamins are C and B6. They are both soluble in water so they are easily absorbed into the body system. Only the required amount is absorbed the rest is excess and is excreted from the system. To boost your immune system, you need Vitamin B6 while Vitamin C is essential in tackling free radicals.

Most of the foods you eat today have high saturated fat content. Such fat is harmful to the health of your body. It increases the risk of heart diseases, cancer and many other chronic diseases. Therefore, you have to consume less of such foods. Instead of consuming foods with fats that are harmful to your body, you can instead consume avocados for healthy fats.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (U. S. D. A.), you can manage your weight by consuming foods that are rich in minerals, vitamins and other vital nutrients and relatively low calorie content. Avocados are a good choice as they have plenty of nutrients. The fruit is readily available in many places in the world. Therefore, more people can take advantage of its rich properties without much trouble of accessing it.

Eating avocados will help keep the hunger pangs away for longer as the body digests the fruit at a slower pace than others. Therefore, you will remain full for much longer and hence avoid the craving for food. Its calorie content is nothing when compared to the health benefits it brings about. Many people mistaken avocados for vegetables, but they are indeed fruits.

Researchers have shown that the fruit has a long history dating back millions of years. The ancient man used to eat these and other fruits and had the benefits of calories in avocado. Because they are healthy, they had less health issues as are common today. People can avoid having complications in their well-being by ensuring that they consume sufficient healthy fruits. Going by the nutritional value of the fruit, it should be considered as part of every diet.

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