Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How to Lose Water Retention Weight Quickly

Retaining excess water can make us feel heavy, bloated and uncomfortable, even if we are not necessarily overweight. There are many reasons why our body may retain water.

Hot, humid weather conditions can often be a contributory factor, as can our dietary habits, certain medications and even various medical conditions can result in water retention. If we appear to be retaining water for no apparent reason, we should consider consulting with our doctor to be certain that there are no serious underlying health issues.
If our general health is fine, these tips may help resolve the issue of water retention:

- Reduce sodium

Sodium is one component of our diet which, if used in excess, is one of the most common causes for water weight gain. If we substantially reduce our sodium intake, we should begin to release stored water quickly.

We should not only limit the quantity of salt that we add during cooking, we should also take note of the salt content of prepared and processed foods, as some have more than a whole day's worth of sodium in one serving. How do we calculate how much sodium we should consume daily? The recommended quantity of sodium for adults is between 1,500 mg and 2,300 mg, but it is advisable to maintain the lower end of the scale, particularly if we are retaining a lot of water or have any health conditions.

- Reduce sugar

Many of us are unaware of the fact that excess sugar in our diet can cause water retention. It is not the actual sugar itself which causes the water retention, but the excess insulin in the bloodstream which causes the problem. The reduction of our intake of refined sugar products will result in immediately helping our body to release water weight. We will be able to tell that it is working when we have to keep making trips to the rest room, even though we may not have been drinking any more liquids than normal.

- Drink plenty of water

If we are slightly dehydrated, our body will retain water in order to protect the functions of our vital organs that require fluids. If we keep our body well hydrated by drinking a regular quantity of water throughout the day, our body will stop storing water and begin to release any that is stored
We will be aware of the fact that we are releasing retained water in several ways. We will find that we urinate much more frequently, and the swelling of fingers and ankles due to water retention will subside, as will any apparent abdominal bloating.

For most of us, if we are healthy, these tips should solve our excess water retention issues. Alternatively we could also try over the counter diuretics, but we should use these with caution as taking them too regularly can result in dehydration, which can lead to other health risks. Releasing water naturally is much healthier and safer, but if we find that we cannot resolve the problem satisfactorily, then our doctor can probably give us the best advice for an alternative, safe option

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