Wednesday, January 23, 2013

3 Delicious Fat Burning Meals That Work

One of the main reasons I was able to lose 30 lbs in 3 months was because I did not get tired of 3 delicious fat burning meals. You may wonder how in the heck can 3 meals help you burn fat and be delicious at the same time.

Well, the answer is simple when you stop and see what these meals were. I applied a little known trick to my daily diet and before I knew it, presto I had lost my stomach fat and had a chiseled mid section.
Enough about how great of results these meals have given me, let's look at what they are and how they can do the same for you as they did for me.

Delicious Fat Burning Meal #1: Grilled Chicken Breast with a baked potato and a salad.
What I like to do is marinate my chicken breast the night before with some Italian dressing (low fat/low calorie) to give it some flavor. For my salad I put some fat free Italian dressing to give it some flavor. Feel free to put your dressing of choice as long as it is not in excess and of course is fat free/low calorie.

Delicious Fat Burning Meal #2: Grilled Tilapia with brown (or white) rice and broccoli.
I like to marinate my tilapia the night before with some Italian dressing (same way as I described above) and boil my rice and broccoli.

Delicious Fat Burning Meal #3: Top Sirloin Steak with asparagus and nuts.
I apply the same marinating technique as described in the other 2 meals for my sirloin steak. Many people get the misconception that red meat is bad for you but as long as you follow a program that allows you to eat one red meat a day, you will benefit greatly.

I like to put a little bit of oil in a pan and cook my asparagus on a stove top. My choice of oil is smart balance as it is high in healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. And last but not least is nuts. I like to consume no more than a handful as they also yield some healthy fats.

So now that you know what these 3 delicious fat burning meals can do for you, the rest is up to you. Take action now and give these meals a shot. I assure you the results will be well worth your time!
To get more delicious fat burning meals and recipes visit now.
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