Thursday, January 24, 2013

Why Your New Years Resolution For Weight Loss Will...

This is not your fault; it's simply the way your brain is wired.
How often have you heard the sentence, "I am going to lose weight in the New Year"? Maybe you have even said it to yourself. If you ever hear this sentence spoken again or say it to yourself then there is a list of questions that are in need of answering.

1 Exactly how are you going to lose weight?

2 How much weight will you lose per week?

3 What is a realistic time frame for losing that amount of weight?

4 Will you exercise and if so, how much and for how long?

5 What will you do if you give into temptation for a day or two?

6 Is this a short-term fix or a long-term solution?

If you do not have an answer for all of these questions then your "goal" of weight loss wasn't really a "goal" at all. It was just a dream of how you would like things to be and you have no plan to follow. Let's take the above six questions as our template and I will show you how easy it is to lose weight if you are serious about it.
  • Exactly how are you going to lose weight? You already know that diets don't work in the long-term, so you need a plan where you can gradually reduce your food intake over an extended period (perhaps six months) so that (1) you are never hungry and (2) you don't crave your favourite foods. Your solution to any weight loss issue is to think of the long-term and then devise a strategy that integrates into your lifestyle.

  • How much weight will you lose per week? Regardless of what the weight loss industry would like you to believe, a loss of between 1-3 pounds per week is healthy and sustainable. If you exceed this limit, you are actually burning muscle, not fat and you will find yourself being hungry and having cravings, as your mind and body tries to restore balance.
Think about it; over a six month period that is a potential weight loss of between 24-72 pounds. Even if the figure was somewhere in the middle of this range that is an amazing amount of weight loss and it is easily maintained. You are not on a diet; instead you have made a new lifestyle choice.
  • What is a realistic time frame for losing that amount of weight? In our example, I have given a realistic time frame of six months for the weight loss to occur. Your body and your mind need this time to adjust to a new regime. The number-one reason why weight loss plans fail is because people want to see results quickly and restrict their food intake to an unsustainable level that cannot be maintained for very long.

  • Will you exercise and if so, how much and for how long? Exercise alone will not maintain weight loss; it is a reduction in your food intake that must be the priority. Exercise should be thought of as a way to maintain lean muscle mass and to stop your body from going into starvation mode. When we restrict our diet our body naturally tries to protect us by going into something called "starvation mode". What it is trying to do is to conserve energy by holding onto fat reserves; this energy will then be available to keep the body's vital organs functioning at optimum levels. If we exercise we are telling the body, "I have all the energy that I need", thus preventing it going into starvation mode which in turn starts the body burning fat reserves to keep everything at optimum levels.

  • What will you do if you give into temptation for a day or two? Nothing. You accept it as a part of being human and get back on track again. You do NOT use it as an excuse to stop completely. This is all or nothing thinking and is a very quick way to sabotage your weight loss.

  • Is this a short term fix or a long term solution? Don't settle for a short term fix. Always go for the long term, sustainable solution that will last you a lifetime. You only have to ask yourself one question, "Do I want this badly enough?" If you answer "yes", then your unconscious mind will move heaven and earth to help you. It will do this because it spends all day every day looking out for new patterns of behaviour that it can do automatically. If you answer "no", then perhaps now is not the time to commit yourself to being healthy for the rest of your life.
There are so many reasons why you should commit to shedding your excess weight once and for all. If you reread this document then I am sure that you can easily formulate a plan that could ensure your healthy future.

Losing weight is all about working with the unconscious mind and making permanent changes to your patterns of behaviour. If you are using sheer will power to restrict your food intake then in the long run you are doomed to failure, simply because it is not realistic to have to watch every mouthful you eat every day, day in and day out for months on end. As soon as you take responsibility and understand that the answer does not lie in a pill or a powder but in fact lies within you, you will reach a new level of understanding and you will be in control of the outcome.

If you want to read about my success story and how I can help you, please visit my website.
Are You Fed Up Being Overweight? So Was I. My name is Grahame Cossum and I am the creator of the Weight Loss Made Easy program, I was 60lbs overweight following a serious accident until I created and implemented my unique weight loss program, I have now helped countless others to do the same. Please visit
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