Thursday, January 31, 2013

7 Tips to Lose Stomach Fat and Get Flat Abs

What's the secret of having a great looking belly? It's creating the right combination of healthy lifestyle, right eating plan, and the most effective workout routine. This is what this article is about: 7 tips to lose stomach fat and get flat abs.

You see, you can't really get flat abs as long as you have excess stomach fat, and you can't lose stomach fat by being like most people and wasting your time on useless crunches. It doesn't work that way. Here are the tips you do need to follow:

1. Intensity is the key - Most people don't really workout hard. Even if they feel that they've given their all when they visited the gym, their dry clothes reveal the truth. If you're not sweating profusely by the time you've finished your workout, you're not doing it right and you're not pushing your body.
This is true for strength training as well as cardio. If you're not sweating, your workouts aren't as intensive as they should be and you will not burn enough stomach fat to see real results.

2. Don't overcompensate - A lot of people do excellent workouts and then ruin them when they come home and head straight for the fridge. Yes, you should eat after a workout. You've earned it. But, if you're going to overcompensate by stuffing yourself silly, you're not going to be losing fat at all. Eat but don't overeat.
3. Education is key - Instead of trying to find all the answers yourself, why don't you use the advice of experts. There are some ab programs on the market these days that can help you get better results much faster than you could do otherwise. Yes, they cost money, but your time is valuable as well. If an abs program can cut months off the time you need to get the results you crave, isn't it worth it? I think it is.

4. If you want to lose stomach fat, you will need to boost your metabolism and this is best done by having more muscle mass. It doesn't matter which body part you add muscle mass to as your body burns fat as single unit. Therefore, make strength training a regular part of your workout.

5. Cardio is also crucial to your success. You will want to make sure that your cardio workouts burn as much fat in as little time as possible. Interval training is the key. Change your pace every few minutes when you're doing cardio and make sure to really push your body.

6. To get flat abs, you need to make sure that you're eating the right food. My advice is to stick to a high protein diet, rich in fruit, vegetables, and healthy fats that come from olive oil, avocados, fish oil, and so on.

7. The last tip I can give you is that dedication and perseverance is the key. You will not get flat abs in a day or in a week. It will take some time. But if you're determined and consistent, you will see gradual improvement and excellent results.
For the best abs program go here: Truth About Six Pack Abs
For more tips on how to burn stomach fat, go here:
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.
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